growth/decay of clowns fins (pics)


My clownfish have been acting strange the past few days and today I noticed somethings up with their fins and eyes. Their fins have extra fin or/and the fins are decaying. Their eyes are clouded a bit and they're swimming very slowly and tipping from side to side. They've also been hanging out in the corner which they have never done. They usually try to bite me when my hands are in the tank, but not anymore. Plus they aren't eating. I've tried for three days to feed them, but they won't eat. Also my coral banned shrimp hasn't been eating either. He usually crawls out of his cave to snatch some food when I put it in. I've tested my tank and every thing is good except the calcium levels are a little low (390). The only other thing in the tank thats new are a lot of micro bubbles, but I thought they didn't do anything. Any ideas?



Staff member
How long have you had these fish? What are you water readings in your tank? Do you have a cycled quarantine tank?


The larger one I've had for maybe four years and the smaller one two years. Tank readings: Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0, Phosphates 0, Calcium 390, Salinity/SG 1.024, Temp 78F. I don't have a quarantine tank setup, but the clowns are currently the only fish I have in the tank, due to recent events, so at least what ever they have can't spread any further. Treating might be more difficult though. Does anyone think it might be some kind of fin rot? It just didn't look like it and the fin decay/growth showed up the next day from when I last looked at them closely.


Staff member
What recent events are you speaking of? Did the other fish die, and if so what happened?

What is the pH in the tank?

What and how often do you feed the fish?

What type of tank do you (reef, live rock, etc) have and what is the size?

Lets try dealing with the problem naturally. I'm going to suggest daily small water changes and I will tell you how many gals when you tell me the size of your tank. Be sure that your change water has been thoroughly mixed for at least 24 hours using a powerhead.

Feed the fish twice a day. One feeding soak the meaty fish food (not flakes or dried) in freshly minced garlic juice then offer food to fish. Fresh garlic has natural antibiotic but it must be fresh, and you have to serve it up quickly once its minced.

For the 2nd feeding offer food that has been soaked in either Zoecon or Selcon.

Lets see if these measures will clear up the problem. Let me know size of tank.


The other three fish died from heat when I was switching tanks this past September. :'( It was a sad day. The pH is 8. The tank is 46 gallon with a 15 gallon sump and has live rock. There are crabs, snails, shrimp, cucumbers, feather dusters, and a bit of coral. Also if this tells you anything, for some reason theres a ridiculous amount of copepods on the back wall of my tank. No clue why theres so many all the sudden. I usually feed them once a day with frozen brine shrimp, but like I said they haven't touched it for the past four days. The garlic thing sounds interesting, I'll give it a try and see if I can get some Zoecon or Selcon in a timely manor.


Staff member
Frozen brine spells malnutrition. It has next to no nutritional value. This could acct for your problem. Try doing 2 gal water change daily, and offer the fish food soaked in garlic as I described above. Hopefully they will try to eat.

What do you have going for water circulation in the tank?


I've got two 420gph powerheads on the bottom and the overflow and return at the top. Is mysis shrimp better nutritional wise?


Staff member
Mysis is a better choice, but single source of nutrition is not. Try getting some quality frozen fish foods at the local pet store--at least 3 varieties. While you are there, see if they have zoecon or selcon.


I don't think the clowns are going to make it. They've gotten a lot worse. Their eyes are very cloudy now and their gills look frayed. One is swim at the surface and the other as close to the cave ceiling as possible. I think whatever is wrong with them is effecting the other creature too. Not sure if its related, but my elephant snail died out of the blue today. My cucumber is not a happy camper and is losing his skin or something. I thought he was dead and took him out then he started moving. I put him back right away and he moved a little more and is just chilling now. He puked up some white stringy stuff, but you can't see it in the picture. (I'm guessing because of his trip out of the tank) His brown skin is peeling off near his head and butt, and it's white underneath where it's missing. I just don't know whats wrong, all the levels in the tank are fine. What is happening? Here is what she looks like today. All the white dots are bubbles, there aren't any on the fish. Near the top of the tank they're worse so they showed up more in this picture. And a picture of the cucumber.



Staff member
Is it possible that a toxin was introduced somehow to the tank? That clownfish picture looks like he has white "bubbles" on it. Is that the case?

Without an established hospital tank, there is little that can be done since you can't medicate a tank with live rock and inverts.


Staff member
They look like they may have brooklynella, however, that doesn't seem likely since you have had them for so long.