Growth factors of fish


Will tank size really affect how big a fish will get? I had always thought it wouldn't affect.


Active Member
Tank size and diet. I think their are prolly alot of things that could effect growth, water quality, how much you feed, what you feed, and how often.
I'm 6'3" and if I was locked in a box I know I wouldn't be this tall. :eek: :D

kris walker

Active Member
Yea, I recall that too from my freshwater fish days (I used to breed african chiclids). Didn't know if it was the same for salt.
So if that is the case, then why is it so badly frowned on if someone puts a small fish that has the potential to grow large into a small tank? It seems like "small" is a relative term depending on who you talk to.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of anything unnatural about an fish ecosystem, but it seems we control so many other factors regarding our fish, why not control their growth?
Just curious,

dirty dog

tank size sometimes, i've had tiger oscars and they grow to about 20cm in a 3ft tank, diet definitely controls the size, just depending on breed of fish :rolleyes:

kris walker

Active Member
Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me. Just so that I can be at the same knowledge level as you guys, by "well-documented", do mean in biological journals or articles by serious hobbiests? :)


I always thought the same thing. But I've read that the only fish that the tank size determines their size are the family of koi and goldfish.??Just what i read.