Growth ID please


I have 2 kinds of these growths... 1 is white and 1 is pink, They are hard to the touch, and they seem to grow in shaded area's. I have one pink colony that is about the size of a half dollar in diameter and it is starting to extend out. The white ones arent really growing out that much but seem to be in the lighted areas.
The pink may be Corline Algae... and that's a good thing. The other I dont know. Hopefully someone will comfirm the pink as well.


Well the pink colony I am referring to looks like the one that I posted but has started to grow vertically away from the rock and is spikey and hard.... Does coraline grow like that?
No... I think the Coraline algae is more flat growing and covers the surface. I'll let someone else chime in that knows more than me. Sorry I couldn't help.


My iphone cant get a clear pic of the colony when I zoom but I found a pic on google that resembles them
The pink ones look exactly like this except not as sharp in the spikes yet... are these good or?