Growth pics of my Orange/red Yuma


Active Member
well we change it ALOT. every time i change somthign i end up not liking somthing and change it again.
right now we have.
4x 96 pc
1x 250 HQI
before that we had 6 x 96 pc. since i have mostly softies and LPS the addition of the HQI only seems to have help with color. growth and health of the corals remains unchanged.
but we did have very stong PC so i did nto expext a huge change. before this we have 6x96 pc. i pulled the center to pc and put in the hqi


Active Member
The reason I asked is I just setup a 55gal about 3weeks ago. I'm trying to decide what kind of lighting to go with. I'm looking into VHO's right now. Have you had any experiences with them?


Active Member
nope i went right to pc and MH. for the main reason that i could fit more watts under a small area with pc.
IMO you should go with 4x96 watt pc- two actinic and two day light.
in that tank and those lights you should be able to keep all kinds of corals . sps may not thrive in that light depending on were you place it and some may not live at all. i would not do clams but you could get away with a derasa. i think HM is great and very useful and I use it myself but IMO its not the end all to lighting that some people make it out to be. if you want MH i would go with 2x175 mogal both 15k


Active Member
What kinda mushroom is that in the fourth pic you posted.. under the hippo tang.
I have the same mushroom and when I first started my lfs guy told me it was a green yuma and it was rare.. yadda yadda.. now that I know a thing or two I know he is a complete retard.. I 'believe' its one of those giant mushrooms that i've seen growing here and there that ends up getting HUGE... but im not sure.. you know the name of it?


Active Member
well i'm 100% sure its not a yuma. heck its not even a ricordia.
pick number 7 of this post is a bright green yuma.
the large one under the tang is just a hairy shroom IMO. its not an elephant ear if thats what you mean.
that particular one opens up to about 8 inches. i have about 7 of them. some green some amrron some a combo of both
the first red/orange pic of this post is a ricordia yuma. in this case the color is a rare one.
if you ever see one in the store buy it as fast as you can.


Active Member
Nah I know its not a elephant ear. I think its like.. a giant cup mushroom or giant something.. they have them in a lfs around here sometimes and they get BIG. I've seen some probably a good 10 inches acrossed.. was just hoping you had the name =c(
I feed mine whenever I feel like it and its growing madly.. probably 5 times the size it started at in just around 3 months. I could probably feed it a couple times a day and it would accept it :p
Already can take in a WHOLE silverside... and honestly I have NEVER seen any mushrooms accept food and close up around food as quickly as this mushroom does.


Active Member
How come you dont feed it a whole silverside? :) Its interesting you said you havent seen one exactly like yours.... cause mine sure does look exactly like it! I'll try to round up a picture of it from a few months ago.


Active Member
i cut the head off and feed it to me fire shrimp
most of the nutrition is in the head and i like to give it to the shrimp to make she he stays healthy. we have had the same fire shrimp for almost 3 years now. thats old for a fire shrimp


Active Member
well i dont know about that but i do know that the life span of a fire /blood shrimp is about 2 years on average. thats why although its nice to get a nice big one you should resist and get the smallest one you can find in order to get the most time out of it


Active Member
hey cool good research. sure as heck looks the same to me. mine look to have more hairs but i'm sure that is different from shroom to shroom. but the SP look dead on