Grrr Cracked Tank!


Active Member
Ok, im in trouble, i just bought my pc lights. Everything was going home until i get there and my tank has a small crack in it. I look around and feel and it got WAY BIGGER!!!
This sux, definately not good. Im sad now. I drained the tank below the scratch about 10 gallons and now im not sure what to do.
I guess im going to have to buy a new tank and set it up with the same old stuff. Im going for a dsb now. Is there going to be a problem with the cycle? If i use everything from the old tank it should be fine right? maybe a mini cycle but i can keep the fish in QT for a few days. This sux severely :( :mad: :( :mad:


Maybe I'm wrong, but you'd do a 1/3 waterchange anyway, so thats really all you're doing. I'd go ahead and mix the water now, and then get the new tank in a few days. I don't think you'd have much of a problem, other than the pain of having to do it to begin with. Look at it this way, if you hadn't caught it, you might have come home to a collapsed tank!


Active Member
probably. I have a 29 right now, im going to buy a 20 and start a nano. I like the 20 and i will have a refugium with it as well. I hope this works out as i plan!


Active Member
just out of curiosity, how did it crack? I am always worrying and wondering about that :confused:
Hope everything works out.......


Active Member
not sure, i came home and it had a small crack, then all of a sudden it spider webbed out. I freaked out and drained it down to the bottom of the crack :( but i got my new tank today so im happy.


Active Member
not to harp on this but....I would freak out too. Not to be stupid, but did you get your fish out right away, you said you drained down to the crack. I don't know what I would do to tell you the truth. Now do you transfer everything over to new tank? New cycle? gosh, so many questions. Now I am obsessing. :eek:


If you have a dsb thats been up for awhile, you may lose some of your anaerobic bacteria when you disturb it and introduce oxygen. Not sure though, best of luck.


Active Member
well it happened at 10 o clock at night. I didnt take out the fish.
I went today and got a new 28 gallon bow front.
Drained the tank, put the fish in the rubbermade. put the sand in the new tank and water. I arranged the LR which i dont like by the way. So now its all set up and im trying to get the dust to settle.
old tank with crack now being used as a trash receptacle.

New 28 bow front with 2x65w PC lighting.


Active Member
nah i didnt have a dsb. I do now though! I got to put about 50 more pounds of sand in on top of the ecisting 60.


Active Member
just a clown and a goby. I had to downsize to a 28 gallon!!!
Oh well its a bow front and im going nano. So i hope i will have good luck.


:eek: oh wow this is like every aquarists worst nightmare :( i'm so sorry to hear what happened aarone, i've had nightmares about my tank cracking or breaking in some way, but have yet to have it become a reality. you handled the situation well in my opinion, i probably would have been running around screaming or would just curl up in a fetal position and start sucking my thumb.
Oh yeah I have some tanks I'm trying to get rid of, ones a 10 gallon and ones a 15-17 gallon if you are interested.


Active Member
wow you are in texas! Well i already bought a 28 gal bowfront.
I could use a 15 for my refugium though. how much would you be willing to sell it to me for? I live in fort worth as well and could come pick it up. It might take a few days to save up the money seeing as i just spent 100 on the new tank and 234 on the light system yesterday :( But it will be worth it in the long run. Do you have an over flow or a mag pump that you dont need???


i have a magnum 350 sump on my 25 gallon auxilary tank, but i'm hoping to eventually turn that into a crab paradise or something similar as crabs don't thrive too well in my main tank (darn pufferfish)
i could let the 15 gallon go for $20, its in good condition and still has a stick on thermometer. It was previously my freshwater guys' tank but they've been upgraded to a 29 gallon :)
If you are interested let me know, I have a few aquarium extras laying around my upstairs room including some undergravel filters and things of that nature. Oh yeah the tank doesn't come with a lid though or a light, sorry :( I'm at school now but if you are interested I'll get the tank measurements later on when I'm home.


R. L. Paschal High School...class is over in 15 minutes. I actually live over on the west side of Fort Worth though more in the Arlington Heights district, but I transferred.
If you would like to check out the tank let me know, I've got a few of them floating around my house that I need to get rid of so every one I can get rid of will be one less tank for my Mom to complain about :)


Just dropping one more spam because class is almost over, when I get home I don't always check the forums as much as I used to (homework and all :( ) if you are interested in the tank send me an e-mail aarone because I check my email religiously but i can't say the same for these days :(


Active Member
Originally posted by LionStorm
:eek: oh wow this is like every aquarists worst nightmare :( i'm so sorry to hear what happened aarone, i've had nightmares about my tank cracking or breaking in some way, but have yet to have it become a reality. you handled the situation well in my opinion, i probably would have been running around screaming or would just curl up in a fetal position and start sucking my thumb.
I second this...........I already freaked out for him. Got me to thinkin' a lot though...:rolleyes: