Grrrrr my LFS is out of RO water till tomorw can i boil tap.


Yes i went to the store today to get some RO and have a excuse to see if they got any new livestock! They are out of Ro till tommorw can i boil tap and then put it in the refrigerator for a lil while. I know my tap doesnt have NItrates not sure about anthing else. I just need some water to top off my sump not much. For some reason i went to go get RO for 35 cents a gallon thats all. ANd still came out spending 45 dollars im ON THE FISH HOOK.:D I just bought a new magfloat amiracle filter floss and some cycle for my new 20L. By the way the tank is 60 gallon with 10g sump. Prob just need 2 gallons till tommorw.


Active Member
Boiling really isnt going to do anything for ya . . . try your grocery store. They often sell RO water near the bulk food.


you should also test your water for copper and other metals before you put it in your tank. most of the nasties in the water cant be removed by simply boiling it. if you desperately need it, you can get filtered water at walmart or somewhere like that. HTH


Well-Known Member
If you use cold water and let it run for awhile, tap water will be fine. Especially for a one time thing. And no need to boil.


Active Member
gixx dont you live in orlando.. if you live close and can set a time let me know how much water you need and could set up my ro/di and make you some. im about to head out of the house for a few though. if im wrong and you dont live in orlando.then whoops.. but if im right then send me a email at and i can try and get you some water.


Yea i wish i lived in orlando. I live in NJ. I prob need about a gallon 2 or till tommorw. Or i could just wait till tommorw period and the water evap will double and i ll just double up tommorw:D . I heard that aquafina works. Should i get some of that.


Oh yea di did just snow herar about 3 inches. I swear that i seen sombdoy say that they use d snow before. Im gonna run to another store right now and see if they have some. Plus i have a 20 dollar livestock credit to the store


Active Member
I would not use aquafina . . . bottled water often contains antibacterial agents . . . NOT what you need in a fishtank.