Gsellers 34 Starphire Solana


Active Member
dang. thats a great deal lol. my lfs deal wasnt bad.
tank, lights, stand, salt, 30 lbs of lr, and hydormeter..
lol. But i cant get another tank right now


Active Member
sweet! How long has the tank been running with the current stocklist? How are the water parameters? I'm just wondering how I can develop my stocklist for my RMS nano which is the same size. I thought I was pretty much done with a Yashia Goby, 2 Picassos' and possibly a forth fish. I see that you have a lot of fish in your tank and wanted to know how the parameters hold or if you have any problems with the bioload.


bioload is ok...took me a lil bit to get the skimmer going. But my water checks out pretty good
alk 10
calcium 460
mag 1360
p04 .05 hanna photometer
nitrates 0
ammonia 0
ph 8.2 with lid on


Active Member
OK I'll ask you in 2-3 months :) I was pretty sure it had been up and running longer just because the amount of fish. My tank is new too so I'm taking it slow even though the LR and LS was all from current tanks.


Active Member
2 weeks is a very short time. I finally got a spike in our big tank on 3rd week and all rock and LS was fully cured. At that time there was no CUC or fish.


Active Member
IMO thats too much water to change at once unless something is actually wrong with the tank...individual results may vary.


explain....given ph and alk and salinity match, there will be no problems. W/c water matches the tank water so there's no problems


Active Member
well if theres an exact match then I guess its not a big deal, but you might have delicate inverts like linckias dying if you went from 20 to 0 nitrates in a single change or something like that.. I'm representing an extreme example, but you'll get the point.


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
2 weeks is a very short time. I finally got a spike in our big tank on 3rd week and all rock and LS was fully cured. At that time there was no CUC or fish.
i have had the rock for 2 years there's no reason for a spike. Also all the initial water came from the 100 gallon rubbermade tub. As far as im concerned there's nothing going to happen. and nothing shouldnt...


given my load and water change projection there shouldnt be any way for nitrates to build up. I have done more with less. Nothing is gonna happen, im not new to reefing by far. Just new to the site. This is what works for me and my tank and it probably wont work with others that do not have the experience, but it works for me.