GSM Clown Help


My GSM Clown has a mark on its cheeck area.
The cheeck area looks slightly swolen and in a slight white/grey in color.
The clown is eating, swimming, and acting fine. He has been hosting in a Sebae anemonie for a few months now. Could this be from the SA?
I did a 20% waterchange yesterday. All water perams. are good:
SG = 1.025
Am = 0
ph = 8.2
trates = 0
trites = 0
alk = 280 meg/l
Clac. = 480 ppm
temp 82
Please let me know what other info you may need. All other fish look great.
Thank you,


I tried to get a pic, but he would not stay in one place to get clear shot.
There is 6 line wrasse, that seems to pick on the clown once in awhile.
When the wrasse is close to the anemonie, the clown will slap at him with its tail fin.
I am thinking it may just be a battle wound. There are no other markings on the clown, just some swelling and discloration on the one cheek.


Here a few pics. This is the best I could do.
You can see the white puffy mark on the fish's cheek.
Any ideas what it is? It looks more puffy then yesterday.


Staff member
Does it have stings on it or is that just the camera shot?
I think it may be an aggression problem.
Do you have a QT?


It doesn't seem to have any sting marks, only the one patch on the cheek.
I have a QT, but would hate to stress the clown if not needed.
He is acting normal, and it does not look like it is spreading.
I have read some posts of peoples' clowns having a white bubble then disapearing on its own. Maybe this is something like it.
I will keep an eye o him, and if it looks like it is getting worse, I will put in the QT and maybe treat for a parasite.
What a mystery :confused: Thanks for the help :)