GSP died after 4 months?


My tank has been up since Jan, and everything is doing great until the other day I noticed my GSP was opening less and less each day. WIthin a 3 day period it stopped opening. Really weird not sure what happened??? Has this every happened to anyone else. As for the rest of the tank my hammer, zoas,shrooms, xenia are doing great along with lots of coraline growth. I 'm bummed b/c the GSP looked great and doubled in size since jan. Any help would be great. Will it comeback?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mike35019
My tank has been up since Jan, and everything is doing great until the other day I noticed my GSP was opening less and less each day. WIthin a 3 day period it stopped opening. Really weird not sure what happened??? Has this every happened to anyone else. As for the rest of the tank my hammer, zoas,shrooms, xenia are doing great along with lots of coraline growth. I 'm bummed b/c the GSP looked great and doubled in size since jan. Any help would be great. Will it comeback?
Any change in photoperiod? Any algae growing in or on it? See any critters crawling around in it?
Some normal amount of closing will happen with this coral. give it some time and see where it goes.

bang guy

Common GSP problems (just my experience):
Low water flow
Low Alkalinity
Nudibranch predator
High Phosphate
Low temperature
To confirm Spanko's point, GSP often closes up for a few days just before a growth spurt.


Thanks for the replys! Idon't think flow is a problem its placed at the top of my tank. I do have a combo of snail and a pesky cleaner shrimpthat walks all over everything, along with a cbs, sally,and emerald. There is no sign of any alagea growing on it. As for high phos, i was battling some cynao a few months ago, but purigen put and end to it. Maybe its going through a growth spurt like you guys mentioned. I'll keep ya posted. Thanks Mike