GSP vs. Crocea clam


A patch of GSP in my tank which started out the size of a nickle is now about 8" wide growing toward an adjecent rock which has a crocea clam anchored in it. The GSP has grown up to the edge of the clam (which is attached down in a crevice of the rock). I don't think the GSP will harm the clam but wanted to know if anyone knows for sure.


It wouldn't harm it in terms of stinging it but the way that GSP grow, as you know, it could completely cover it over if you don't trim it back. I don't know much about clams but I'm assuming it wouldn't like that;)

ed r

If the clam is attached only by its own filaments, it can move if it feels it must. However, I would think it wise to peel back about 1/2 of the GSP closest to the clam and move them to a new location. The remainder will continue to spread, but thinning once in a while should not be too difficult. If you already have more GSP than you need in your tank(s), give it or sell it to a LFS.


Pardon my ignorance, but what does GSP stand for? Its not in the acronym stciky in new hobbyists......Thanks.


Active Member
GSP = Green Star Polyps
Also, to whoever made the initial post, I wouldn't worry about it...the clam will move itself if it doesn't like it's conditions