GSPs closed for three days


Active Member
My GSPs have been doing really well since I got them (about two weeks now), but the last three days they have been closed up. :notsure: Parameters are all good:
Temp 80
Salinity 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
pH 8.2
Alk 3.6
Calcium 400+
Any ideas on why they would do this? A few are open, but most of them are closed. All my zoos are open and doing great.


Active Member
Mine do the same thing as well...Occasionally they will close up for 3-5 days, mabey it has something to do with growth????If your zoas are fine I would say the GSP is okay as well. I have a leather that will close up for 2-3 weeks at a time , the first time it happened I freaked
untill I learned of its behavior :joy: ......


Active Member
efish, good to know.
They look fine, not turning black or anything like that. And I was wondering that very thing, if it has to do with growth or something. I'm starting to see knew growth with my zoos so I don't think it's a water thing.
nyc, no, my GSP was the last thing to go in.