GTA Hobbyists needed - Greater Toronto Area - MSG ME


any one on this forum from Canada, In the GTA, and want to send me a good light fixture...i know its a long shot haha...let me know...
even if you are in the GTA and have anything else to sell, let me know
even if you live in the gta and are a hobbyist, that wold be a start, gimme a shout.
JD - Oakville, ON


New Member
hay there jay looks like where the only 2 at swf. Sorry im not selling any thing but well keep in touch. I live out in
Orillia, I know Oakville. I see your tank and what i see of the house not surprised is in Oakville ritzzzzzza
lol nice set up. Im a carpenter so i hope u dont mind if i borowe in idea or 2 lol


i have a hamilton dual 175w mh with 4x55w pc it has 2 ballist 1 for the mh and 1 for the pc's i would like $275 us also the fixture is 4 foot and if your interested i could meet you in buffalo