Guess I should mind my own business!


I haven't bought any equipment yet but have been doing plenty of reading over the past few weeks. I have been to LFS a couple of times to look and ask questions. They have a reef tank setup that has some 'spots' on the glass in a few areas. I wasn't 100% sure but I thought (through pics) it looked liked Coralline (sp) algae. When I asked the 'salesman' if it was he was obviously duped
by my question and his answer was a tap dancing 'not sure'. When another salesman approached he was asked what it was. When he said it was coralline algae it was quite funny to watch the guy squirm and quickly go 'help' someone else. Good thing is I know who NOT to ask for help.


Active Member
well its a nice size tank for the clown :happyfish I'm still wondering what the "shark fish" might be? only fish I know called shark or shark like are fresh and brackish (and nothing like real sharks).


I would have said something to the owner of the store that this person is rude to the customer. And I agree to you that he or she does not know what hes doing. Naso Tang should be place at least at 75 gallon tank because they get big.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
well its a nice size tank for the clown :happyfish
Absolute minimun size tank for a clown is 20 gallons, most say 30 gallons...


Originally Posted by GhettoTang
Naso Tang should be place at least at 75 gallon tank because they get big.

Minimum size tank for a Naso Tang is 125 gallons


Originally Posted by NYAUX
I Went To Lfs The Other Day To Get A Yellow Tang.. They Had 3 In A 20 Gallon .. I Ask The Guy For One An He Told Me He Couldn't Sell Me Just One Because The Other Two Would Fight If They Were Even # Of Them.. I Looked At Him An Thought To's The Other Way Around.. You Can't Have More Than One Tang In That Small Of A Tank.. So I Said Than No Thanks I'll Go Somewher Else .. He Stopped Me An Said " I'll Get You One An Just Move The Other To Another Tank" Like He Was Doing Me A
It's true that ur not supposed to have too many tangs in one tank, but that guy was also right because 2 yellow tangs will fight while 3 may not fight as much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Absolute minimun size tank for a clown is 20 gallons, most say 30 gallons...
I meant clown goby (thats what he said the guy bought), must have typed it wrong. false percs can be kept in under 20 gallon nano's.


Active Member
Wow I see a lot of folks can relate to my incidence. I have made comments to others since then but have gotten positive responses. For example, I was at another LFS the other day and they were really crowded and I was just observing the tanks and overheard a kid telling his mom how pretty a blue linkia was. The mom asked if that's what he wanted and of course he said yes and that's when my mouth opened again. I asked how old the tank was and how much rock they had. They said that the tank was 75g and had been setup for two weeks. She also said that they only currently had a few pieces of rock. That's when I said the linkia was a no no. I said they needed more rock and please let the tank mature more. I said that they aren't easy to keep and it would surely die in their new tank. She said thanks and asked what could they get. I said nothing right now since the tank was so new and to let it cycle first. She asked what was that. Anyway, I went into a lot of details and the conversation ended with a big thank you and she got my phone number in case she needed more info. I also referenced this message board. Well to say the least, I felt good about opening my mouth this time around and feel like a might have saved a linkia for the time being.
I am really not the sort of person who likes to butt into other people's business but I really do love saltwater and I just feel like more responsible information needs to be given out. I also want people to stick with this hobby so if people can learn the right way and keep things alive, they will more than likely stay in the hobby. Otherwise, they may get frustrated and quit.


I was at the LFS yesterday. I told the woman I knew someone who had a blue hippo, 2 yellow tangs, a trigger and clown in a 55 gal. She said, "That's ok. Filtration has come a long way." I thought, since when, this morning.


Active Member
When you go into an LFS you are going to see fish that need large tanks in small tanks. They are just holding tanks, as the fish will be sold. The fish do not create territories like they do in your home aquarium so they generally do not fight. At my shop if there is any conflict,as each fish have different temperaments..they are moved. If an LFS had to keep all of their potentially 'large' fish in large tanks, there would be no room for variety. Remember that an LFS has alot of overhead and is a business. True, finding them with caring owners and employees may sometimes be impossible or difficult. We care where I work, but it's the only place I know locally that does.


my LFS asks questions and the guy WILL NOT sell you something if you dont have what it needs. He said I would rather keep it then sell it and see it die.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
I was at my LFS store yesterday and someone was buying a Naso Tang anf green clown goby. He also asked if the Naso would get along with his shark fish. The LFS guy said it should if there is adequate room. The person then said they had a 20g and would be getting a bigger one soon. I spoke up saying they should wait because the tank is way too small. He said he knew what he was doing but I said apparently not since he is putting a Naso is a 20 gallon. Well he said I should mind my own business and since I am not a confrontational person, I let it end at that.
You tried to help...some people don't want help, they want someone to agree with them.
I overheard a manager at a LFS tell a costomer to keep his reef tank at 70 because ocean critters come from he deep ocean where it is cold. Then another employee spoke up ad said that he made sense. I don't go to that store anymore.


Originally Posted by premilove
lol this thread is a good 3 years old, was it that necessary to bring it back?

Absolutely why does it matter how old it is
I found it an interesting topic and felt that others would comment also. Doesnt matter how old something is I like hearing other peoples stories.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GhettoTang
I would have said something to the owner of the store that this person is rude to the customer. And I agree to you that he or she does not know what hes doing. Naso Tang should be place at least at 75 gallon tank because they get big.

And a 1 in front of the 75 and you will be closer to the proper tank size.
Originally Posted by Saltwater8


Why that is ok size for it.
I didn't even noticed the date.
I had 3 LFS were I live, now we only have 2. To bad the really good on had to leave. The owners always gave me like 50% off on everything. They also knew good fish keeping and wouldn't sell you somthing if you didn't have the right system. On the other hand the other two are good but like most places they will just sell you it, even if you shouldn't get it, just to make a quick buck. Luckly I have a friend at the LFS right down the street how knows very good fish keeping and always tells what is 'bad' at the store. Shhhh....Don't tell.


Originally Posted by jordan3548
my LFS asks questions and the guy WILL NOT sell you something if you dont have what it needs. He said I would rather keep it then sell it and see it die.
Which lfs is this in Tampa? I go to marine warehouse on hillsbourough. They'll give you good advice but sometimes you must beat it out of them.