Guess what I saw???


Was watching animal planet the other day and they were showing the worlds loudest animals. The showed a whale, a monkey, and others. I was trying to guess the loudest in the world over the commercial break. And then they showed it. PISTOL SHRIMP!!! Who would have thunk it!!! It showed it killing another shrimp with its massive snap! I was amazed. I dunno if I want one of these guys in my tank. Anyone ever heard of them cracking a tank or killing anything like that? This is intriguing!!!


Active Member
I know of a mantis shrimp that once cracked a glass heater, and then went on to crack the glass tank he was in as well.


Active Member
Lion that's scary!!
As far as my pistol shrimp, he is very loud. I swear at times I think the glass is breaking.

nm reef

Active Member
Neither of the pistols I've kept have made a lot of noise...but I do hear them from time to time...are you sure it wasn't a mantis on the nature show? Seems I've watched that program before.


Originally Posted by chefben
Was watching animal planet the other day and they were showing the worlds loudest animals......And then they showed it. PISTOL SHRIMP!!! Who would have thunk it!!!
Pistle shrimp my behind! I need to invite AP to come over and film/sound record my neighbors retard Collie.


I have seen the same show it is the pistol shrimp and that show is the reason I havent got one for my tank. I would love to have on to see if my yellow watchman and it would pair but I would be afraid of it killing some of my other inhabitants.


I saw the same show. Even more interesting, to me, than the sound was the high speed video of the snap. The bubble/shockwave that came from the claw looked very Matrix-esque.


Yes that was wild watching it kill another shrimp in slow motion. Looked like a scene from the matrix. Very interesting. I don't think I want a pistol shrimp!


I saw an IMAX reef 3-d movie and I believe that it said that the mantis shrimp was the strongest animal in the world for its size so its no supprise that they can crack glass!


That is another cool fact we didn't know. This show was about the loudest. The pistol had the highest decibel level of any animal in the known world. Crazy stuff!