Guess what it is!!


Active Member
alrighty...let try it this way, lets all take some educated guess to see what this picture is of!
the winner will receieve an outstanding 'thank you' and pat on the back

it has a hard outside
let the games begin........andddd GO!



Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
how big is that one?? mine is the size of a penny

So when you say mine, does that mean it's a tooth coral?
I was going to say umbrella mushroom..but what do I know


Active Member
haha, i have no idea what it is...i'm just trying to find someone else who does,lol. i just meant my coral,


Active Member
I think its a baby developing ricordia. They can grow from just a tiny bit of left over foot flesh if one was removed. The bare area around those zoos look about the size of a big one.


Active Member
lol, well guess i'll have to keep feeding him and see what he grows up to be..maybe then we'll get an specific answer.


Active Member
it closed up when i tried to feed it a mysis shrimp... of course it wasnt the best because my dumb shrimp kpt getting invovled....nosey little jerk,lol.


Active Member
Closes, :notsure: Withdrawls into a skeleton like a LPS or into a ball like a soft coral polyp ? I know you said it has a hard outside.
Can you post a pic of it closed ???