gulf coast live rock


Has anybody ever had any LR from the gulf of Mexico? I just got 40 LBS. somehow it fell into my truck while on vacation.


Active Member
how long has it been out of water? it may be beyond recovery if its been allowed to dry out. the problems with florida rock is bad critters than are on the rock and I'm sure gulf rock is the same


it was out of water for about 2 days but it was kept moist. Upon arrival two crabs (shelless, Have no idea what type) crawled out, and were put into the tank. Not thinking if they are bad or not. I have the rock in water now, not in the tank but in a rubbermaid container. Seems to be all sorts of life coming out, bugs bugs and more bugs. And yes it was from Florida.


Active Member
well if you're aware of the risks and are willing to accept them then go for it, its possible to get unwanted hitchhikers on any purchased LR but from what I hear you're almost guaranteed to get some type of unwanted pest, some are easily removed and some are not, I myself will never risk getting florida LR