guppies/snails fs, AND looking for low light coral

Yes U can trust me Im not into ripping people off
If u want PM Rykna we have become friends and Im sure she can reasure u I am not that type.
These are for my lil girl and she LOVES tigers and REALLY loved the fish in the first pic u posted of ur male.....if u have ANY lil ones with markings like that pls send them this way
I might set up a tank in her room for them so no one in the big tank picks on them.
I will pm u my addy a lil later today. Thanks!!!!


Active Member
haha, i know i can trust ya. None of the young ones cept come of the females have gotten color. There too young to tell whats a guy and whats a girl, but some of them are getting a point on there bottom fin, so i will send some of those if there males.


Active Member
reminder: got a crawdad for sale and alot of ramhorn snials, mts, and black trumpet snails. and pond snails aswell.
all have been tank bred for many generations. none have even the slightest bit of 'pond' in there name anymore, hehe. there all accustomed to tanks and mine are very healthy, i use calcium in the tank for there shell strength and they get lots of good green algae and lettuce every day! best snails your gonna ifnd on the internets