gymnothorax eels


i would like to have a Dragon moray,viper moray,or a yelow head moray. And i will upgade if i have too. But i will only have a chainlink and a gymnothorax eel.


Active Member
Yes, yes it has been, sometimes you have to wait a couple days for a response, not everyone on this site has gymnothorax eels.
I know someone posted pictures of their dragon oray a while back, so I would wait for his response to be 100% sure, but in my own experience i wouldn't try it. Their species tend to be more aggressive in certain circumstances, and I wouldn't trust it.


You need to chill. Not too many people are just surfing this forum that early in the day. NAd you need to make sure that that disease or paratise isnt still in yer water b4 you put anything else in. I might also add that a 55 gallon tank is a wee bit small for a volitan, so he may have died of stress possibly?


yes,maybe stress:thinking: . But when fish get stressed out will there be like problems(cloudy eye,peeling,ect...)?:notsure:


it was probly some sort of parasite or something that combined with the stress. and made it hard to recover.


as for the eels i would say don't try it as it's already been posted they tend to be aggressive also i think your tank is to small...however you'd problably get more answers if you were more specific...simply stating the genus isn't enough...if you're going to use scientific names please use the full scientific name...obviously there's a big difference in these eels...
Gymnothorax favagineus
Gymnothorax funebris
Gymnothorax mordax
Gymnothorax javanicus
i've read of some with 2 eels in the same tank but even with less aggressive species it's important that they be of similar size and if adding a second to the tank moving around the rock work can help keep the original from becoming too territorial...