H.erectus behavior


Today I am going to order my first seahorses. I have decided on a pair of H. erectus. My questions are: how will they act in the first few days? Should they eat right away? What are some signs of stress? Anything else I should look for? TY.


Active Member
Seahorses are the same as any fish in respect to stress...different things stress them in different ways. As for newly acquired animals...they will probably be hestitant to do alot of anything for a little while...as time goes on they will start venturing around the stomping grounds checking it out....as for feeding...they may or may not eat. You must try though.
Ensure prior to their arrival their home is top notch water parameters...when they do arrive, lower the lights for a day or so, slow any and all current down until they start moving about.
Acclimating Seahorses to your tank is one of the most important steps in proper care for them.


Thanks dreeves, I hear they are supposed to eat w/in the first 12 hours after beimg introduced to the tank.


Active Member
Everything dreeves said completely true. However, you should not feed them within the first twelve hours. In fact you should leave the lights out for the first day itself.
You should try feeding them the night after they arrive but make sure you just drop feed it in there, don't try to aim it to them or anything. You don't want to stress them out.
As you surely know, seahorses stress out alot easier than fish. And the trip there will be drastic for them. So you want to be as careful as possible to keep out of there way and to adjust.
With your new seahorses, please feel free to ask any questions what so ever and please post pictures and progress. I hope you the best of luck.