H. Fuscus seahorse info


Since i just lost my first seahorse
I am thinking of ways to get another.
I am starting a 3 gallon pico tank and was thinking about H. Fuscus.
They get about 3 inches(Uncurled tail length)The 3 gallon tank is 8 1/2 inches high.Think this would work?
I deal with nano tanks so I know how to keep them running well.
Does anyone have any more info about Hippocampus Fuscus.Or an online place that sells them.Just PM me if you have an online vender as I don't think SWF.com sells them.
My lfs can special order them but they are $89.00 each!
Wishful thinking I guess...


I know I want ponies but the hatching of BBS just intimidates me too much.
The hydroids also.
Plus I just bought 5 pounds of LR for the 3 gallon tank. Is there a way to use the live rock in the dwarf tank.I know this is a no no as hydroids and other pest can be in the rock.
But can you like soak the LR in high salinity water?
I'm desperate to have horses again...lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by dingus890
I know I want ponies but the hatching of BBS just intimidates me too much.
The hydroids also.
Plus I just bought 5 pounds of LR for the 3 gallon tank. Is there a way to use the live rock in the dwarf tank.I know this is a no no as hydroids and other pest can be in the rock.
But can you like soak the LR in high salinity water?
I'm desperate to have horses again...lol
Even easier than that. I think it was either Cranberry or Teresa who told me this:
To get rid of hydroids take out the fish and any coral, and raise the tank temperature level to 93-95, for 3-5 days. This will not harm your pod population. Done deal. If I had known this I never would have had to toast my LS and LR.
As for the bbs hatchery~ it's a breeze. It does look intimidating, but it isn't. I can take pics of my set up and walk you through the process.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
As for the bbs hatchery~ it's a breeze. It does look intimidating, but it isn't. I can take pics of my set up and walk you through the process.

Why don't you do this anyway, and add it to the dwarf seahorse thread? I bet people would be less intimidated if they see how you do it, step-by-step.


A 3 gallon tank is waaaaaaaaaaay too small for fuscus. Not even CLOSE to a proper environment for them. :(
I know you are upset over losing your kellogi, however, IMO your best bet to ensure success in the future would be to set up a proper dedicated seahorse-only tank (29gal or larger) and purchase true captive bred seahorses such as Erectus, Reidi, Barbouri,etc. Stay clear of the net-pen/tank-raised seahorses.
Take a few breaths, step back, do some serious planning and create the most awesome seahorse tank anyone can imagine. You'll be glad you did and will enjoy the success a well-planned tank and captive bred horses will bring.


Active Member
I totally agree, 3 gal is way to small. take a few breaths, and think about what you really want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies
Why don't you do this anyway, and add it to the dwarf seahorse thread? I bet people would be less intimidated if they see how you do it, step-by-step.
....because...because........hmmmm...GREAT IDEA



Thanks everyone.I was just talking out of sadness yesterday.
I know a 3 gall was to small for a fuscus I was just not thinking.I wouldn't get a fuscus anyway as they are $90.00 each.
I am just going to clear my head and maybe get horses again in the future.
Right now I don't think I would be able to take care of the horses meticulate care as I have been having health problems.(Sucks right health issues at only 19 years old)
I hope to have horses again someday but I don't think I can do it right now.Just going to focus on my other fishies.
Thank you again everyone.
PS. oh how I want Dwarfs Rykna...lol


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dingus890
Thanks everyone.I was just talking out of sadness yesterday.
I know a 3 gall was to small for a fuscus I was just not thinking.I wouldn't get a fuscus anyway as they are $90.00 each.
I am just going to clear my head and maybe get horses again in the future.
Right now I don't think I would be able to take care of the horses meticulate care as I have been having health problems.(Sucks right health issues at only 19 years old)
I hope to have horses again someday but I don't think I can do it right now.Just going to focus on my other fishies.
Thank you again everyone.
PS. oh how I want Dwarfs Rykna...lol
Hey, I think we all know how you feel. Many of us have lost a seahorse at one point or another. I was so sad when my avatar horse passed away, I was seriously questioning whether I should continue keeping them. I think the only reason I did was because I already owned the two yellow reidis, and I knew returning them to my LFS would almost certainly be far more traumatic for them than my keeping them. I'm glad I pushed through, and of course the horses are still fine to this day.
When you get back to trying horses (and I think we all know you're gonna!!) you really should consider reidi or erectus species if you're looking at large horses....they are the hardiest of the bunch, IMO. And I know Rykna will be able to help you if you choose dwarfs. Everything she's talked about points to how tough those little buggers are, provided you have the space to set up the BBS hatchery.
In any case, take some time to sit back, see if there was anything you could have done differently, but keep in mind that sometimes these animals we've chosen to care for will pass away regardless of anything we do. Shock from transport, lack of care in a LFS, transport (again!) to a new home...these things can all lead to low immune response, and sometimes it just gets the best of them. It might not have been anything at all that you did or didn't do....remember that!


Thanks Nova.I know it was nothing that I did.All levels were pristine.I think it was just her being TR.It like a slight setp up from wild.
The Kelloggi was an impulse when I got her as I was going to get 2 CB H. Erectus horses.
Right now I am going to focus on my 10 gallon tank which has been on the back burner since I started the "seahorse" tank.
Thanks everyone.