H2O Tests and Schedule

kung fu

Ok...if you read numerous sources and web sites there are about a gadzillion different water tests and suggested testing schedules. How about here on swf.com?
Tell a fairly newbie what tests should be conducted and how often...(spare no expense on test kits but be realistic).
Here's a list of tests I've come up with...
Spec. Gravity (salinity)
After this...how about a good maintenance task/schedule list? (Perhaps that's another post...)
Personally, I test for PH, Trites and Trates, and Ammonia. I test about once every two weeks just fro grins, and test anytime something looks bad or just not right. I must tell you though, I think Im just plain lucky. I see all the horror stories in here about the bad things we do, and I seem to do all of them. I add fresh tap water that has been sitting for a week or so, not RO. I dont test regularly, and I have basic equipment, but still, my tank is perfect.
Basically, do as many tests as you can afford, I would suggest once every two weeks.


As far as test kit go i would only buy salifert. I bought the red sea ones from ***** and it sucks. hard to read the color charts and the results are usually wrong.
As far as how often to test here is what i do.
PH, Alk, SG, calcium once a week
Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite once every two weeks
The others i don't check.
Hope that helps.


Active Member
my experienc and opinion is:
no matter what you are told, you will find your own groove(esp. if successful)
you should test for all of them regularly, and you gaining experience will allow some to slip, because you know how it is and has been acting in your system, so you will allow this to go longer, but when 1st starting, i would monitor the ph and ammonia every day or 2 until the spike falls, then the nitrites(and ph) tha same, tehn the nitrates(and ph)
after the cycle, iwould test all every 3-5 days(this is only after i feel comfortable with the fact that the amm. or calcium(or whatever) is not going to do something weird on me,
but i would never let any of them go more than a week(the biggest problems come from not discovering problems in time)
with the exception of copper or any other metals, if there is ZERO to day, and nothing is added for a month, it will remain ZERO, copper and metals have to be introduced(either thru h20 or meds or something)

kris walker

Active Member
To echo fshhub, you will find your own groove. For me after cycling is over, certain tests are needed once a week (e.g. ammon,rite,pH,Ca,salin,temp). Others are needed every month (alk,rate,phos). And others are needed only during "problem" times (copper,phos,ammon,rite,rate,pH,alk,Ca).
I don't think measuring O2 is important, but I'm a newbie and my think differently in time.
Had I known what I know now, I would have bought all the test kits in the very beginning. And I agree with option720, there are kits that have very poor color charts. I use Aquarium Pharmaceuticals kits, and I must say they stink, esp. the ammon and pH kits. Try to avoid kits with flasks that have little contrast between units on the color chart. Because of light bending into the flask, it is hard to match to the chart. In the future, I will always go with kits that you need to hold up to the light and look through. These kits usually have a rectangular flask that is permanently attached to a color scale (or the color scale slides in and out). After mixing, you hold it up to light, and because light has to shine through both, it is much easier to match to chart.
Best wishes,


Active Member
I test everything about once a week.My girlfriend and I live together and we both work for a lfs. Test are free so why not?I agree with fishhub about not discovering problems in time.That could be the very reason something drastic happen.Better safe than sorry.