ha ha ha I showed him


Active Member
a little hitchhiking crab was living in my most expensive and favorite polyp rock.
I have a previous thread where I got some advice to use sparkling water to get the bigger out.
I tried it and it did not work, I think the crab just burped.
:happy: so I epoxied the hole!!


Active Member
hehehee, nice try but i doubt it will work.
Question. Why are you trying to get rid of him? Is he damaging anything?
If nothing is wrong with the things you wish to keep purposely then i'd leave him alone. He'll only be beneficial.


Active Member
he does not look reefsafe, due 2 his claws.
atm he is too small to do any real damage and it is easier to get rid of him b4 he jumps out of the rock


Active Member
his claws are black and white and they come to a sharp point
I can't see him bc he never leaves the hole,
but I think his legs are hairy