Had to share!


Just had to share this with someone that would understand.
I looked in my tank yesterday AM, and thought at first that my coral banded shrimp had died. Then, I realized that there were an awful lot of antennea floating around in there. Well, he had molted. I was very pleased. He appears to be doing well. But, he didn't want to eat last night. Is this common? Do they not eat much after molting?
Anyway, just had to share this.
i just got my pepperminth shrimp last friday. i ve heard about them molting i cant wait to see it happen. but anyhow what should i feed them. my lfs said it will eat the excess of the food not eaten by the other fish. do i need to supplement with anything else.


Active Member
Sometimes, they are very shy and usually hide alot after molting. Once their new skelleton hardens they will return to their normal behavior.


Its normal. My cleaner shrimp molted and then stayed hidden for a week.


I didn't see him molt. Must've done it at night. I also have some sort of crab that came in with live rock in anothe tank. He's moltd like 3 or 4 times. If not for that, I wouldn't see him at all, cause he stays hidden in the rock. Try not to frek out to much, cause it looks like you have a dead shrmp or crab in there.