Haddoni Carpet Anemone Question

Howdy all. I got my Haddoni yesterday and have been doing more and more research (since worked sucked today). I am getting about 60% saying that ocellaris clowns (false percs) DO host and the other 40% saying they don't. Those that say they don't also say Clarkii's DON'T host as well, but at the LFS, a Clarkii (tank-raised) was hosting.
Anyone have experience with Haddoni and any clown ? Even better with Ocellaris.
And it freaks me out that it can grow to 1m in diameter !!! (Doubt it will in an aquarium though.
Also, currently I am doing the "clown veggie clip" coersion technique to try to get them in. Any other info is appreciated greatly !!!


i have a brown carpet and by the 2nd day i had put it in there my clown was all over it. he would go up to it and bury his face in it and kind of suck on the tenticals (no harm to the anemone) but he has yet to go into it yet......do any of you have a say in what hes doing by sucking on them? either getting an immunity or just getting used to it? as to mikegronholz question IMO a perc would be the best bet