Hagen Glo T5 HO


New Member
Before reading this forum and doing a lot research, I trusted the guy at the LFS. He sold me a 54W Hagen Glo T5 HO 48" setup for my 55gal tank. (Now I realize this may not have been the best setup.)
At the moment I'm only interested in a FOWLR. I've had it setup for about 8 months now, no real problems. The light has a Marine-Glo and Life-Glo bulbs in it. The Life-Glo is rated at 6700K.
Should I be replacing this bulb with a 18000K one or is it ok where its at? (I ask because I'm researching adding an anemone at some point in the future and I know how light sensitive they are.)
Right now the tank currently has two false percula clowns, 4 turbo snails, and a coral branded shrimp.
Thanks for your help!


Active Member
u hv a 2-bulb setup? that wouldnt be enough. u will need at least 4 bulbs with individual reflectors for most anemones.


Originally Posted by bluewhite4
Yes, its two bulbs, single reflector.
The LFS sold you a light that was appropriate for a fowlr tank...if you want an anemone you need more light...I don't know if your light fixture will handle such a bigger bulb output..you need to check that out...but for an anemone you need either Metal Halide or VHO output lights


New Member
Thanks. I'm still a newbie, so I guess I'm slowly learning. Is there a setup out there that would be low profile enough to fit underneath within the 5" clearance of my hood?


Is it a canopy? They sell lots of lighting fixtures that are made for canopies....google currentusa...sundial...man I can't think of the brands...but there are lots...google metal halide lighting you'll see


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
The LFS sold you a light that was appropriate for a fowlr tank...if you want an anemone you need more light...I don't know if your light fixture will handle such a bigger bulb output..you need to check that out...but for an anemone you need either Metal Halide or VHO output lights
i would go with 6 or 8 T5 bulbs over going with VHO.


New Member
The fixture can handle up to two 1800K bulbs no problem. 6-8 bulbs? Holy crap.....I don't think my tank is wide enough for 6-8. Maybe I'll just have to stay the way I am for now, and in time upgrade to a different system entirely.


Originally Posted by bluewhite4
The fixture can handle up to two 1800K bulbs no problem. 6-8 bulbs? Holy crap.....I don't think my tank is wide enough for 6-8. Maybe I'll just have to stay the way I am for now, and in time upgrade to a different system entirely.
I have 4 t5 bulbs on a 29G.....it's how they are placed in the unit....when I said VHO...I forgot there are actually bulbs called VHO...sorry...I was meaning a higher output (not necessarily the VHO type bulbs)....it was late...i was tired