hagen test kits any good?


Active Member
how reputable are the hagen master test kits?
i was looking at the salifert ones, but you have to buy them all separetly and i feel that is way too expensive that way..
how does the hagen test compare to the salifert??


Active Member
I only use the Hagen ca test and like it. I was using the salifert test but it was giving me wrong readings which I think was my fault. I may have accidentally mixed something in the titrant. Anyway, once you get used to the color change on the hagen test, it's easy.
Dang Cain, your post count is going up fast!! Average 44 posts a day!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
I only use the Hagen ca test and like it. I was using the salifert test but it was giving me wrong readings which I think was my fault. I may have accidentally mixed something in the titrant. Anyway, once you get used to the color change on the hagen test, it's easy.
Dang Cain, your post count is going up fast!! Average 44 posts a day!

lol thats what unemployment will do for ya.. lol
back to work soon..
volunteered for the winter layoff this year at work..
so i have too much time to try and help people, lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitebird
what about the aquarium pharmaceuticals saltwater master kits this is all i can get local any good?
Thats what i started off with. Its ok... nothing spectacular.. and my nitrate reading was always off


Active Member
If you cannot afford Salifert than the only other cheaper kit I would recommend is SeaTest and FastTest.
Hagen, Aquarium pharm, dip sticks, are all a waste of money IMO.


Active Member
im a garbage man! WOO HOO!
gonna have to be sure to scrub down when i get home from work so i dont toxify the water.


Active Member
yes it is... but u also find the occassional possum, rats, etc. a few of our guys happend to find a SKUNK!!! ewww.. glad i havent come across one of those! YET!
boy it sure would make my wallet happy if somone threw away a brand new setup! LOL
and yes.. people around here throw brand new stuff away alot! Darn rich people!


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
yes it is... but u also find the occassional possum, rats, etc. a few of our guys happend to find a SKUNK!!! ewww.. glad i havent come across one of those! YET!
boy it sure would make my wallet happy if somone threw away a brand new setup! LOL
and yes.. people around here throw brand new stuff away alot! Darn rich people!

My dad ran over a skunk one time with his tractor and he stunk! I would hate to know what it would take to get the smell off if you took a direct hit!


i have used aquarium phamacuticals and did not much care for it nitrate was always off/diffrent from the LFS tests.
I use hagen now and other than the ammonia test reacting to some chemical in phosban a few months ago i have not had a problem (showed i had ammonia when i did not). readings now match LFS tests.
as to the hagen master test i think that includes alot of freshwater tests that unless you also have a freshwater tank would be kinda useless to you.
once used up ill probably switch to salifert just to get in to the in crowd LOL no i hear they are good and people trust them so i will switch but Just from my experience hagen has not done me to bad although the false ammonia readings last year cost me a bundle in useless waterchanges.


Active Member
I have a master aqua pharm test that I only use now for ammonia, trites and trates. If they are 0 the readings are easy. If they are not 0, it can be hard to read. One of my LFS stores uses aqua pharm for ca and it works about as easy as the Hagen test if not easier. The aqua pharm has two solutions where the hagen uses 3. Accuracy is to be determined!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
My dad ran over a skunk one time with his tractor and he stunk! I would hate to know what it would take to get the smell off if you took a direct hit!
the best part is, they still have to finish the route! haha