hagen test kits any good?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Birdy
If you cannot afford Salifert than the only other cheaper kit I would recommend is SeaTest and FastTest.
Hagen, Aquarium pharm, dip sticks, are all a waste of money IMO.

I agree


Active Member
lol sounds like everyone has different reviews.. i tried to look up reviews on them from google, but nothing much comes up.. right now i am using Red Sea Marine Lab... im gonna finish using it all up, then get the salifert!
but i do need a good calcium test kit now... so i will probably order salifert...
In the event I have low calcium, what is the recommended way to raise it?
I have read about some calcium raisers that end up lowering or altering other make-ups of the water..


Active Member
Originally Posted by cobras68
i work for republic in cleveland ohio
how do u scrub down when u get home, b4 putting hands into the water?
and do you get the option to volunteer for layoff during winter?


New Member
well i take a shower when i get off then i run my arms under water for like 5 minutes afterward. they didnt lay no one off this winter like they usually do. they just gave a bunch of ppl off a day during the week