haha oh crap!


k this is bad...this morning i got up to find a rock leaning on my heater and the heater had a big crack in it and was totally rusted out. i tried to take out the heater and it crumbled and a whole bunch of rust juice got in the tank. how bad is this and what should i do? by the way i f eel like such a tool


You should probably direct this question to Broomer, or Sammystingray, Jonthefb, or someone specific that you trust to answer this. There's alot more good people to ask, but you get the pic. Maybe try to put "Saltwater Pro's...question for you." in the subject. It's a doozie, that's for sure.


Active Member
you can also add media to your tank that removes heavy metals. i'd do that in addition to the other suggestions you have been given


Active Member
I have Kent Regenerable Toxic Metal Sponge. Thought I needed it to remove copper in my tank, but turns out I didn't have any in my tank after all, so I can't attest to its effectiveness. Worth giving it a try though.