Par for the course with *****. I bought 3 neon gobys, and a damsel there one time. The clerk wronte down proper item numbers, and such on the yellow paper thing they use. I carried them as well as some other items to the checkout counter, accompanied by my wife, who controls check book, and left her with it all while I went outside to have a smoke and wait.....She comes out and we go home...Later on a few days after this purchase I decided to return one item, and the wife gave me the receipt so I could return it, and I said this is not the receipt, as it does not have the fish on it. We checked it over and sure enough they never charged us for any of the fish.
I needed 10 pounds of live aragonite sand for a new 10 gal setup I started last week. My usual lfs sort of Pi$$ed me off with getting a run around by the clerk and the owner was not there to voice my complaint, so I left and went to ***** prepared to pay more for less.....Looked at their bagged with water live sand, all expiration tags were well within limits, but the bags water had leaked out and the sand was just damp now, and the shelf they were on was pretty rusty. I passed on the sand, decided to hit my favorite lfs when the owner was around and not have to deal with the idiot clerk.......Well owner stil was not available, just the idiot clerk, so I decided to hit ***** once again and buy the 20 or 25 pound bag that they had (only one with water in it yet) and pay the $35.00 for it, even though I only needed 8 to 10 pounds of sand.....I asked the clerk in ***** about the sand with the water missing, and said, oh, we did not know that......and she started to pull the bags off the shelf. I asked what she was going to do with them and her reply was either throw it away after taking it off inventory or maybe mark it down as damaged goods. I stated if they marked it down I may be interested and take my chances with it having leaked out most of the water, so I wound up with $25 bags of live sand for $5 a bag....I bought all they had.......and its doing fine. So ***** can be good in a lot of ways. I even got that one remaininng bag with water in it yet for $5........I say it was a good day indeed.