Hair algae again...


About 4 months ago, I was having a serious problem with hair algae. As a result a decided to add a refugium underneath my main tank so I could grow culpera, which in theory, I understood woould outcompete the hair algae for nutrients and thus solve my problem.
This worked great for about 2-3 months, but lately the hair algae has started to grow back. Not as bad as before but it's still present..
I changed my bulbs recently, why water qualty is ok, and my fish, inverts and corals are doing ok as well.
Anyone have any ideas?
I just added 20 hermits and 1/2 dozen astria snails to my tank becuase I find they tend to "disappear" over time.
Thanks, Mike


I think that the hermits will help out quite nicely. You might want to try turbo snails instead of astrea.