Hair Algae and Corals


Ok, so I have green hair algae growing like crazy. It is starting to grow over my star polyps... What should I do? Is this bad for the coral? I run lights 8 1/2 hrs a day, all the water paramaters are fine, top offs daily and 10% every other week for water changes... Not sure what to do... Any thoughts
THe hair algae has to go..can smother some corals..
get off as much as u can...get some turbo snails and there are products online to help reduce it...along with phosphate removers.


you have to eliminate the excess nutrients in the tank thats feeding it.
feed less, and do more water changes. i would do once a week.
also you might need some more flow as well.


Yep, your hair algae is working as a filter for you. You need to identify what is causing your excessive nutrients. A refugium with plants/algae you want to grow can replace having nuisance algae in your DT. Hair Algae is only a symptom of the problem, removing it is a band-aid solution. A few things really stick out as possibilities.
1. Low flow - 101 starter thread explains this topic
2. overfeeding - I know people who feed daily with no problems
3. lack of filtration - A solid refugium fixes a lot of problems.


My flow could be better, I just ordered 2 more of the Korelia #2's. My sump is nto really set up to well, its more of a place to put the skimmer. I feed every other day and since I only have 2 3/4" clows, I feed very little. Lights are timmed, 8 1/2 hours a day. I test every other day and everything is perfect.
How do I go about getting algae off of a coral? My star polyps are becoming overgrown, it hasnt effected them yet, as far as I can tell. They bloom daily and are looking great, but the frag is covered in algae. On rocks I scrape it off with a tooth brush, but I dont want to damage the coral. Any suggestions?