Hair algae between galaxea polyps T_T help please?


Ive lost zoo's to stupid hair algae before. Sun polyps. and now my galaxea is gettin invaded?! I REFUSE!!
Is there anything i can do? ive tried puttin my hermit crabs and snails on affected areas but snails seem to get stung and crabs run and seem to care less.... what can I do? suggestions?


This is just a suggestion but I would add 10 blue legged hermits and about 2 more snails. Maybe if you have the room a lawnmower blenny. I had problems with my 120 ang i add 100 hermits 40 snails and had a lawnmower. it clear up in a week or two.


um... im sure the blenny is possible and Im sure I could get some hermits... My concern is wether theyll get on the coral to eat the algae or not, caue NOTHING seems to want to get on top of it. Im assuming the galaxea stings them when they do (cause when i put a snail on top, as soonas the snails body touched a tentacle itd go back into its shell, and hermits just get the heck outta there after being placed on the coral too...)


Have You checked the Phosephate levels. Also try pulling as much hair algae yourself during your next water exchange. I m not but when I had direct sun light on my 45 gallon the hair algae took over.


yeah... direct sunlight does that heheheh (happened when i started out.. i moved the tank waay back then so its ok now).
No, I actually havent checked phosphates in a while, Im assuming their high since I do have algae. I started doing weekly 15% water changes about a month ago (was doin bi weekly-ish beofre) and its gone down a lot, but the algae thats ON the coral seems very happy, probably cause these are corals that i spot feed too...
Is there anything that can be done to lower phosphates anyway?


You change your filter metia Change to RO water when doing water exchanges. Which I should start doing myself on all my tanks. The is also try a phosphate spounge. That is questionable, had friends try with no luck. I also heard changing your lights. But that im not sure on either.


mm... well i changed my filter media (a sponge lol) about 2 weeks ago. I upgraded lights from 72watt PC to 150 watt MH. Even tho I started without RO, I moved about 3 months ago and emptied my tank to do so, so all the new water i added from that point on has been RO + I added 10lb more sand to cover up all the stuff in the sand I had before (there was a little hair algae here and there... i figured if it was covered itd die). Ive thought about the phosphate sponges.. im kinda not so sure about em but it might be worth a shot.


Active Member
With the hair algae being between the tentacles, most likely you will have to manually remove it because the galaxia will sting any fish/inverts that try to eat it.