Hair algae conquered


Active Member
Nice Tank!
Did the Flame angel have any part in the hair algae removal. I heard from an LFS that they eat a ton of it. I already have a Yellow Tang, but he wont touch it. I actually have very few fish.
Yellow Tang
2 Clowns
One Damsel to go
Six line wrasse
plentiful cleanup crew
AND too many corals too name.


Active Member
That looks really good Sterling! Glad to see you back on the board and congrats on the conquering!
Take a look at this little baby we rescued about 8 months ago. :) His name is Harlan Pepper.........more photos of him can be found @


The flame angel had nothing to do with removal of the hair algae. He wouldn't touch it. My tangs wouldn't touch it either. It was alot of hard work and changing the lighting and water changes and more hard work. It took months to get rid of it. it still pops up once in awhile, but when it does I take the rock out, scrub it and put back in. That's the only way.


RyeBread, he's adorable

Here's my 8 month old portuguese water dog puppy "Monty", whose show name is "Bayswaters Land Shark". This was at the International Kennel Club of Chicago show a couple of weeks ago, the Portuguese Water Dog Club of Chicagoland had a specialty and he won the Sweepstakes :cheer:
I need some help on how to remove my Hair Algae, its getting annoying, taking over my Xenia rock.
BTW: since we're talking about animals how about this little fella :D about 2-3 years ago.


Phoenix, you need to get on top of it now! You'll probably end up losing the rock that the xenias are on if you really want to keep it from spreading.
I ended up throwing out about 50 lbs of rock. It made it easier to remove the remaining rock pieces for scrubbing also.
I lost several corals due to the stress on the tank. I did 2 50% water changes within a month and a half. And then 20% water changes monthly.
Every time I'd see a patch, on rock, or tubing or sides of tank, stuff got moved or taken out, cleaned off and put back in. Sometimes this was everyday for a few weeks!! It was definitely a pain. But it has paid off.
I had MH's on my tank, I went back to my PC's. I may try the MH's again in another month or so.
I disassembled and cleaned the filters every couple of weeks.
I also took the temp down to 74.5, I use to keep it up around 79.
My parameters were always good. Nitrates, nitrites, PH, alk, calcium, salinity etc, etc.
But start now. And keeping the rock with xenias will be touch, because you'll have a very hard time getting all the hair algae off without killing the xenias. You may decide the best thing to do is dump the xenia rock.
Alright Sir! j/k well I've been scrubbing the hel outta all the rock, but when the tank is clear again, it looks as if I did nothing whatsoever. I can't take out one large piece of rock, it is a home to my mantis shrimp, and the other one my blenny lives in so
. I heard lawnmower blenny's can help take out hair algae is this true?


I did get a lawnmower blenny, and though I never actually saw him eating the hair algae, he sure did have a pot belly on him all the time :) I think I would credit him with some of it.
I also got 4 Royal urchins and about 10 Turbo's, they really go to work on it all.
Good luck. You can scrub the rock in the tank. I used a small stiff brush, a little larger than a tooth brush and I found that if I scrubbed the hair algae off, even though it was free floating, it mostly got sucked up into the filerts or thru the protein skimmers. And I mean scrub!!


P.S. I should have taken pictures of the tank at it's worse, because it was bad. I had it growing all over the place, it was so disheartening. But hang in there, it can be beaten.
Haha, talk ab out drastic measures, I took all my rock that didnt have life on it and put them into buckets and scraped them all with a toothbrush for about 30 mins or so. then I left em outside to back in the sun :D. DIE HAIR ALGAE DIE! Then I scrubbed the living pieces in my tank with a toothbrush and swooshed the tank a few times and used a mesh net to get all the floating hair algae out, bnow the tank looks ALOT better. But theXenia rock is gonna be a B itch I can tell u that right now!
ALSO, its really hard to take out the Hair Algae out of my Star Polyps. They have ,almost, completly taken it over, I pic up the polyps and rip out all the alage that I see, then in about or 2 days I see it all back! How do I approach this?!