Hair Algae In an Aggressive



Does anyone have any suggestions of eliminating hair algae from an aggressive tank that is already stocked to the max. (Volitan, Porc, Niger, Lunare, Snowflake)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ONEmorBEER
Does anyone have any suggestions of eliminating hair algae from an aggressive tank that is already stocked to the max. (Volitan, Porc, Niger, Lunare, Snowflake)

Water changes and keep the lights turned off until you get it under control


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Are you using tap water to make your saltwater that can contribute too .
Something I take for granted. IMO, tap water should be tested for nitrates, phosphates, silicates, etc,etc.; before ever using it. I've been lucky and have always had very usable tap water and have never really used RO/DI. Controversial, I know, but it works for me.


Active Member
what size tank is this ?you have 5 fish listed in this tank .if you have room for one more fish i would recomend a silver scat as your clean up crew .these fish are hardy and venomous the perfect cleaner for an agressive set up they eat anything the other fish wont and what they will.not picky at all hense the name scat .ewwww


Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
The lights will help, but also reduce your feedings. What and how often are you feeding?
I feed about 10 krill once a day and then once every 3 days I will feed a clam cube or silversides (The lion and eel only eat the krill at the moment) instead of the krill. On average, I would say that 3-4 pieces of krill get sucked in the overflow each feeding. So each fish gets about 2 pieces of krill a day.


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Are you using tap water to make your saltwater that can contribute too .
Yes I am using tap water. I decided to do an aggressive tank because I didn't want to buy a RO/DI system at this time.


Originally Posted by unleashed
what size tank is this ?you have 5 fish listed in this tank .if you have room for one more fish i would recomend a silver scat as your clean up crew .these fish are hardy and venomous the perfect cleaner for an agressive set up they eat anything the other fish wont and what they will.not picky at all hense the name scat .ewwww
I have a 120 right now with a 29gal DIY sump/fuge. There is about 150lbs of LR in the display and 15 in the fuge. I think I am pretty well maxed out with fish, what do you all think?


Active Member
Cut back your lighting cycle , Lighten up on your feedings , Do water changes and look into getting a phosphate test kit and some kind of phos-lock addatives . The only other thing I can advise it to invest in an RO/DI unit .


Active Member
well ya might be a bit stocked but i was always one for stocking lol. unfortunately i lost all but my eels when i moved them due to falty hydrometer.(lost my refractometer )and ended up placing all my fish in brackish water.

my 125 stock list was as followed
11 in lion
9 in scat
7 in lunar wrass
13 in panther grouper
jeweled moray
banded moray
black moray(unidentifiable)
6-7 in foxface
7 in spiney boxfish puffer.
i cant even remember how much live rock
im slowly finding some of my old pics online my pc crashed during storage but i have been a memer here for a very long time im sure many older members remember my old tanks
i had 8 of them at once now just down to 3 ands starting to rebuild


New Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
what size tank is this ?you have 5 fish listed in this tank .if you have room for one more fish i would recomend a silver scat as your clean up crew .these fish are hardy and venomous the perfect cleaner for an agressive set up they eat anything the other fish wont and what they will.not picky at all hense the name scat .ewwww
I have a 6 in. porc puffer in a 56 gal tank, do know if a silver scat would live with him ok? i read the list of fish you have, do your eels bother your puffer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
well ya might be a bit stocked but i was always one for stocking lol. unfortunately i lost all but my eels when i moved them due to falty hydrometer.(lost my refractometer )and ended up placing all my fish in brackish water.

my 125 stock list was as followed
11 in lion
9 in scat
7 in lunar wrass
13 in panther grouper
jeweled moray
banded moray
black moray(unidentifiable)
6-7 in foxface
7 in spiney boxfish puffer.
i cant even remember how much live rock
im slowly finding some of my old pics online my pc crashed during storage but i have been a memer here for a very long time im sure many older members remember my old tanks
i had 8 of them at once now just down to 3 ands starting to rebuild
That sounded like a sweet tank, sorry to here that.
Interesting info on the Scat too, never heard that.


Originally Posted by unleashed
what size tank is this ?you have 5 fish listed in this tank .if you have room for one more fish i would recomend a silver scat as your clean up crew .these fish are hardy and venomous the perfect cleaner for an agressive set up they eat anything the other fish wont and what they will.not picky at all hense the name scat .ewwww
Is the silver scat a brackish water fish? I cannot find one for salt water. Do they sell it on