Hair algae/No phosphates


I am having a problem with hair algae. I tested the water yesterday and I found no measurable amount of phosphates. I use RO/DI water. I definately do not overfeed (the live rock supplies a lot of the food). What else can cause hair algae?


I had the same problem. One of the factors was the amount of light. I reduced the amount of time that my lights were on. This reduced the rate of growth of the hair algae. Then I pulled off what I could. I added a cleanup crew. This was perfect. Now hair algae still grows but the inverts eat it as fast as it grows. So its now a great food source for my inverts as well as my kole tang. I know this didnt totally answer your question of what causes it. My only guess on the cause is the hours of light. But I hope it helped in some way.


how long has your tank been set up ? i also had a problem with hair algae. as jedininja posted, i also cut down my lighting time. it took a couple weeks for it to finally subside but, that was the day i went and bought timers and set up a lighting cycle. the only problem i see with your setup is that you have your corals which need the light. i would check out what is recommended as a minimum lighting peroid for what you have and go with that for a bit. one last question, do you have your tank near a window? this could also cause a problem.


Thanks for the replies. To answer the questions...the tank has been set up for about 6 months (i think??). It is not by the window. I will try reducing the light time...right now it is probably on too long when I stop and think about it. It goes on about 6:30 and off around 8. Will the light reduction affect the macro algae? I do pull the hair algae off (about every other day) and also bought the Rainfords goby which feasts on it constantly but I already let it get out of hand.


6:30am to 8pm or 6:30pm to 8 pm ? if its am to pm i would start dropping that to about 10-11 hours, depending on the needs of your corals as i said. on thing i notices was you have a manderine. you should watch him carefully. they thrive on LR and pods. with a tank that is only 6 months or so i doubt you have enought there to support his diet.


With macro algea and hair algea I would doubt that you would detect any phosphates too.
At the 6 month mark my tank started getting hair algea also. I reduced feeding then pulled out as much as I could by hand. (to keep it from realising phosphates when it dies) Have not seen any more since.
Just keep after it and play around with your feedings a bit and pull off as much as you can. As long as it deosn't prolifferate in the tank then it reallly is just part of the tank/keeper maturing.
Good luck


My lfs guy has been in the hobby and said to keep my daylight pc's on for only 7 hours a day and my actinic for 10-14 hours. Also many people on this site have told me that old bulbs will tend to release more red light than new ones, which stimulates algae growth.


The lights are on from am to pm. I will try dropping it down to 11 hours and continue to pull the hair algae off. I was concerned about the pod population when I bought the manderin also. I actually bought it because of the pod population...I can look at any piece of rock and see TONS of pods running around. Fortunately he also eats brine :)