Hello everyone
So I have a 28g Nano tank that is 13 months old.
It's a reef tank and I am using LEDs. (From
I have a bicolor angel, two black and white false percs and various inverts such as hermits, snails, brittle stars, two maxima clams.
I have many corals such as various acros, brain corals, various polyps, mushrooms, zoas, candy cane LPS.
My water parameters are as follows.
Salinity - 1.024
Temp - 78
pH - 8.2
Nitrates - 0ppm
Nitrites - 0ppm
Ammonia - 0ppm
Phospahtes - undetectable
Calcium - 450 ppm
My tank is in awesome condition except for the green hair algae. I uased to not have it and now its everywhere. I have tried removing it, more frequent water changes but I do a 20% water change weekly anyways for optimal water quality. I have even tried a sea hare but it lasted for about two months and died. It didnt even eat the hair algae like I thought it would.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for me???
Thanks for your help!



Active Member
I would suggest that you test your source water for phos. Also, what (if anything) do you add to feed your corals? And what do you feed your fish? Do you run carbon? If not you might want to try the chemipure elite. :)


Well-Known Member
i see two more lrg fish in pic 5... hows that workin out tanner???
Do deer crowries eat hair algae??? Can someone back that up? I just got one and its still shy but i would think so cuz they sure are big enough!
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/385258/hair-algae-please-help#post_3377857
i see two more lrg fish in pic 5... hows that workin out tanner???
Do deer crowries eat hair algae??? Can someone back that up? I just got one and its still shy but i would think so cuz they sure are big enough!
Yeah man its an achilles tang. He is 2" long. Just a baby. This is NOT his home, just a holding tank for him till I merge both my tanks to a 460g reef tank thats in the making. I have had the achilles in that 28g nano for about 2 months. He will be moved soon but is doing really well.
Originally Posted by luvmyreef http:///forum/thread/385258/hair-algae-please-help#post_3377852
I would suggest that you test your source water for phos. Also, what (if anything) do you add to feed your corals? And what do you feed your fish? Do you run carbon? If not you might want to try the chemipure elite. :)
I hardly ever feed my corals except for my LPS corals. They get meaty foods that I target feed (mysis and squid). I used to feed all sorts of stuff to my corals (zoolplex, phytoplanton, etc)
but they grow just as fast if not faster now without much feeding.
I use mechanical filtration (carbon), a protein skimmer, and chaeto in the back of my tank. Its worked very well for me.
I have not tried chemipure elite but I may throw that into the equation as well.
Originally Posted by calbert0
Check Your Magnesium Level
Sweet tank by the way
Thanks for the comment!
I never test for magnesium as I prob should.