I had some medical reasons that kept me form taken care of my 75 gallon reef. The tank went bad fast. I lost most of my fish and 2/3 of my coral.
Most of my cleanup crew also was lost. During that time the tank was not being taken care of well. Hair Algae took over the tank. I have now started to get better and i am able to take care of the tank again. I have done multiple large water changes and now do 20% every week. I only have two small fish in the tank and 4 corals. I also have lots of live rock. I have scrubbed a lot of the hair algae from the rock and slowly started to add some crabs and snails. My corals that survived are looking good again. But i am still unable to get all of the hair algae to go away. i have good filtration and my skimmer working again, i hardly ever feed the tank and i have kept up on water changes. One problem that i have is that half of my light went out so i am only running 2 T5 HO bulbs now. I am looking at getting a new light with 6 T5 HO bulbs. Will new and more powerful lights help kill off the hair Algae?
Please help.

Please help.