Hair Algae Problem redux!


I posted what I thought was a hair algae problem and someone correctly noted that I had a cyano bacteria infestation. I went with Boyd Chemi-clean and it looks like the cyano is gone because I had red stuff in my sand bed that is gone, and the red colored hair on the rocks seems to be gone, but I still have green hair, so I assume that I had cyano and hair alage. I posted a new pic, can someone help me identify what this is and help me get rid of it!!
You can see the before and after pics below.



You had hair algae, but we couldn't tell with all the cyano and aptasia. If that rock is easily removable, I would take a bucket of water out of the aquarium during a water change, and scrub that rock down with a hard bristle brush. What does the rest of the tank look like, can you post a full tank picture?


The rest of the tank is pretty much the same. That rock is part of a large piece of rock, so it will be hard to remove. I bought a Sea Hare recently and put it in there but he doesnt do much to the rocks yet, mostly the walls.



As one suggestion, I would try purigen, phosban, and nitraban. I would try scrubbing it with a brush in the tank and trying to pull as much of it as you can off, regularly, without disturbing the tank too much. Keep your lighting cycle shorter as your doing this, maybe 6 to 8 hours, and keep an eye on your corals while doing so. Do 20 percent waterchanges weekly or as close to that as possible, after a major scrub down.


I have had a few small tufts of hair algae ocassionally but never to this magnitude, so I can't tell you for sure that will work. But it is a good start. You also may need new bulbs.