Hair Algae Problems On Live Rock


Would this problem be in direct relation with recent high nitrate numbers? And how can I get this ugly green stuff of of my beautiful purple rocks?


Active Member
Yes I think the hair algea has something to do with the nitrates. What is your clean up crew like? Also hair algea can also come from high phosphates.


Active Member
It does not help to have a high nitrate level. You will need to manually remove as much as possibe and then add a clean up crew to the tank. You also need to get your nitrates down. There are many places where these come from. Overfeeding, replacment water, fish waste and overstocking are a few.
The algea will feed of light, phosphates and nitrates. These need to be checked and fixed. Poor lights can cause blooms and when you add the other two, you have disaster.
Nitrates are wahts left when nitrites break down. Anaerobic bacteria is what converts nitrates. You need to have some way to house this bacteria. Rather it be a DSB or an abundance of LR you have to have it or none will be natrualy converted.
Water changes will help as long as your water source is not a problem.


I do infact have a 36" Customer Sea Life PC and a 36" but atinic bulb, so I don't think lighting is an issue. However, my replacement water may. Can I use my saltwater test kit to test my tap water out of the faucet?
Testing your water source is a good idea. I was having algae problems beyond belief and all of my cleaner crew could not stem the infestation. I tested my water source and found a really high phosphate level so I went to my LFS and started purchasing RO water instead. Since then the algae has become easily managed and my tank looks 10 times better now.


How much does R/O water cost? Is there anything you can get to buffer the phosphate levels down?