hair algae removal

got krabs

What is the best way to remove unwanted green hair algae? I,ve been removing alittle every day but it seems I'm not making any headway
<img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
does anyone have any suggestions?


Scrub it off with a brush in a seperate container.
If you havn't eliminated the nutrients that they grow on then it will grow right back and probably worse.


Active Member
A good supply of snails and crabs will help but if the algea gets too long they will not touch it.. They will control it though..


i had the hair alge. i pulled off the longer stuff and the snails (trochus, turboos) ate the rest. also i stepped up my water changes from 5% to 10% a week and it seemed to dissaper pretty quick. also do you over feed this will add excess nutrients to the water which helps feed the alge


Active Member
I've had the best luck controlling hair algae with Tangs... specifically a Kole and a Yellow (not at the same time). I had a Kole that did a terrific job, now I have a Yellow tang that is just decent.