Hair Algae


Active Member
That is a loaded question-
First of all what are your water parameters?
Lighting and lighting cycle?
What do you have in the tank?
There are many ways to get "rid" of hair algae


New Member
My para's are fine except I don't know what my phosphate level is.
My lights are on for 14.5 hrs. Is that too long?


Active Member
14.5 hrs per day? WOW--what are you supporting in your tank. That sounds like a whole lot of time even for the most demanding corals/inverts. I'll tell you how I controlled my outbreak in my nano reef: cut lighting down to five hours a day (down from the 9 I had it set), topped off with RO water I purchased from my LFS, and cut back on the amount of food I fed my Ocellaris'. It took a couple of weeks, but it works. As for adding chemicals to your tank to control it, I'd avoid it.
Have you read this:


New Member
I thought so.....
Thanks, I don't add chemicals only feed phyto once a week and do heavy skimming afterwards to remove excess. Over feeding is not a problem.
thanks for the input