hair algae


I'm starting to get outcroppings of hair algae throughout my little tank. I'll manually pull it out once or twice a month, but I'm wondering if that just makes it worse by spreading it. How else can I safely reduce it? Everything is growing great right now and it's only a 2 month old tank. Phosphates or something? It's also growing on the head of my pump for water flow, so is it jetting out new sprigs continuously? I usually prune that back, too, but it's resilliant as heck. Tenacious stuff. I don't really mind a little here and there, but I want to try to get control of it before it becomes a real problem. Thanks!


Hey Littleliza, I have had success with Mexican Turbo snails. Hair algae sucks!!! Good luck... Kim


in my experience the only snail that activly eats hair algae are cerith snails, however i would definetly try a sea hair if u can find one they are probably the best for eating hair algae.


Originally Posted by kenneth 45
any one got a pic of a sea hair? what is a sea hair?
Do you mean a sea hare? If so its sort of related to nudibranchs I THINK. don't quote me on that though.


Active Member
I have to second the mexican. After my cycle was over I developed a bad hair algae growth. It was everywhere. Well I went away for a week and the tank was unattended. I returned to a tank of nothing but green. Back walls were hairier than the 40 year old virgins back. Well A couple of turbos, a mexican and an emerald and 3 days ant the tank was clean. The mexican plowed through like a weed hog (the kind on tv) a second pass and it was clean.
Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kenneth 45
what is a mexican and what is an emerald :help:
Mexican turbo snails ..... Emerald crabs

Or ... a native of Mexico and a green gemstone. :hilarious