Hair Algae


Active Member
It can be caused by old or poor spectrum lighting. Direct exposure to sunlight. Leaving the lights on too long. Tank temp could be too warm. Silicates and phosphates could be too high. Dissolved oxygen content in the water is too low. Using tap or other unfiltered water. Not cleaning out your filters regularly, letting detrius build up in them. Too little filtration/ too many fish. Overfeeding. Not using a good protein skimmer. Not having a proper clean-up crew like crabs and snails.
Can you describe your tank and list what your water paremeters are like ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alk, temp, specific gravity, etc?


Guilty as charged.
It's a 90 gallon, that had been exposed to to much direct sun light.
I fixed that problem, (but only recently), I had a lot of purple algae growth that went away fast after I stopped the sun light issue, but hair algae continued.
The bio-load is way to high, and I need to step up the water changes (back to weekly).
I worry about the water quality and will keep a closer eye on how well I purify the tap water.
I will also beef up the cleaning crew with snails and such.
Thanks for the response...................