Hair algae

I know I have a crappy skimmer it is the Lees counter current you know the inside the tank.
It was just to get me started.
Does anyone know if the Berlin air lift is any better or should I bug my parents for a $150 Skimmer?


You really should try the natural method also. An emarald crab would go wild with that much hair algae in the tank.
Emerald crabs and Lettuce Nidibranchs are excellent candidates for mowing down hair algae. I personally have never seen a tang touch hair algae.
For a 36 gallon tank, get 2 lettuce nedibranchs or 3-4 emerald crabs.


Your tank sounds like my first attempt at a reef. Don't bother with the scrubbing, it kills everything, is a pain in the ass and the algae is back on the rocks in a week. I only had 5 hermits in my 30gal back then and kept losing snails. On my new tank, I get all of my water from the pet store, have 20 hermits, change 5gal a week religiously and havn't had hair algae since the tank cycled. My first temp ran around 82 with low salinity and more than likely had something to do with it.


New Member
I tried everything to get rid of the slime algea. nothing worked. my levels are good, my fish and inverts are doing well. I'm using r/o water. I just don't like to look of the algae. I contacted a lfs who I trust a great deal and they said the only way to get rid of it is by using an additive called red slime remover. I used the product once and it totally removed the red slime. there's only one drawback to this. I had to turn off my skimmer for about a week. When I turned it back on it produced a great amount of foam which I can tell is from the additive. I ran the skimmer only at night for a couple of weeks and did a few water changes and everything is great now. no more red slime.
I have a Lees counter current skimmer you know in the tank.
I was wondering if the Berlin air lift is any better and if I should purchase one instead of a larger more expensive skimmer?
Intead of driving up to Providence every two weeks which can be a long haul and a pain,
What about getting that tap water filter it is 20 bucks.
It filters tap through absorption, oxidation and ion exchange processes, and treats 50-150 gallons befor you nead a new cartridge.


If you have a Wal-Mart nearby (and who doesn't?!) see if they have a Culligan water machine inside. I usually get my water there for 30 cents/gallon.....or it's 40 cents/gallon at my lfs. I had a "Rainsoft" salesman in here trying to sell me a water treatment system with an RO included....he tested my Culligan water HOPING to find something wrong --> Nope! Just don't use your tap water anymore! PLEASE! Earlier you said your city doesn't even use chlorine to treat their water.....that's pretty scary my friend! I wonder what all kind of nasties they're not killing! Hope that helps! :cool:
I thought about the prizm but I heard it can be difficult to attach to tanks because of the top.
My father said the town does not use chlorine or floride and barely touch it because it is so pure.
Our town water does not come from an open resevoir. We do have a Wal*Mart near by but I have never seen a water dispenser thing there.


If you rremember our last conversation you told me your lights looked yellow. This along with high phosphates and silicates are contributing to your problem.
Do you test for phosphates???
Why do you not replace your 1 PC bulb for a Higher K bulb?
Get your phosphates down and use a bluer light will help.
If you have to buy your water at Wal Mart Get the Distilled water $0.64 per gallon.
Yor tank is not big, this will cost an additional $5.00 per month for your water changes.
A Tang will not help much they prefer the Macro Alges.
IMO Darryl


Also the addition of a clean up crew will do wonders as has already been mentioned. The 10-20 Gal package is only $50.00 including shipping But I would go for the 20-55 less the CBS for $80.00.
IMO Darryl


I just got my cortez cerith snails today. They were dry shipped to me with cold packs. Wow! those guys went right to work. I positioned them around the areas that needed the most help. these guys turn sand and munch deeep down. I allready love these guys. I put 24 in my 30 gal.
I hope they do their job with the 20 left handed hermits i put in there. I hope they all work out and do well. Hpe I dont wind up regretting it.
My parent are starting to listen and with a little more urging them I think Christmas and my Birthday are coming early.
*Clean up crew.
*10000K bulbs and one super atinic.
*Possibly and RO unit but that is pushing my luck.
One thing though I keep telling them I will paint the house for them if they pay me but they won't budge on that offer.
****My phosphates are only at .1, is that enough to cause the hair?
Adam :D
[ July 20, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]


Maroon_clownfish mentioned a plant called Caulpurnea Racemosa
I have searched for it and cannot find it, I must be dense. Is this the right spelling for it?