I have hair algae growing on one rock in my tank and its starting to grow on the opposite side as well within a large colony of zoos that i cant seem to make go away and its starting to get worse. what am i doing wrong to much light? any and all help is appreciated
This tank is 14 months old
equipment 30g BiocubeTank, 2 korala nano 420s,maxi jet 1200 for return, Agualife internal mini skimmer, i also have a media rack in the back that i run Chem-pure elite and purigen,and i have cheto growing in the back as well
Stock list (fish) Allards Clown fish, flame Hawk fish.(CUC) 5 Astrea Snail,5 Cerith Snail, 15-20 Nassarius Snail, 2 Large Turbo Snails and a bunch of small ones that i think might be offspring not sure, 3 Blue Hermit crabs,just added 10 red leg hermits and 5 Mithrax Crabs
Temperature My tank runes 81-83
Water I run RODI water that i get from a local LFS i also buy pre mixed saltwater from here to (Tropic Marine Pro Reef)
food i feed Prime Reef flakes once a day and i also feed HiKari Mysis Shrimp once or Twice a week About i hole cube a week.. I feed my coral phytoplankton once ever two weeks About 5ml
water changes.. i do right around 6g every week usually the day after i feed Mysis shrimp
lighting schedule? Type/Brand of fixture/bulbs? i have two reef bright led strips that are acinic blue i run these from 10-10 every day, I also have a 150w metal halide light that runs from 1-7 bulb is only 2 month old
parameters calcium 430-480 depending on what day i test from when i do my weekly water change
Ph 8.2, Ammonia 0,Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, Phosphate 0<.25, KH 10, salinity 1.026 I use API Test kits that are almost a year old
I have Thought about removing this rock but it is a support rock and my hole reef would collapse if i did.
This tank is 14 months old
equipment 30g BiocubeTank, 2 korala nano 420s,maxi jet 1200 for return, Agualife internal mini skimmer, i also have a media rack in the back that i run Chem-pure elite and purigen,and i have cheto growing in the back as well
Stock list (fish) Allards Clown fish, flame Hawk fish.(CUC) 5 Astrea Snail,5 Cerith Snail, 15-20 Nassarius Snail, 2 Large Turbo Snails and a bunch of small ones that i think might be offspring not sure, 3 Blue Hermit crabs,just added 10 red leg hermits and 5 Mithrax Crabs
Temperature My tank runes 81-83
Water I run RODI water that i get from a local LFS i also buy pre mixed saltwater from here to (Tropic Marine Pro Reef)
food i feed Prime Reef flakes once a day and i also feed HiKari Mysis Shrimp once or Twice a week About i hole cube a week.. I feed my coral phytoplankton once ever two weeks About 5ml
water changes.. i do right around 6g every week usually the day after i feed Mysis shrimp
lighting schedule? Type/Brand of fixture/bulbs? i have two reef bright led strips that are acinic blue i run these from 10-10 every day, I also have a 150w metal halide light that runs from 1-7 bulb is only 2 month old
parameters calcium 430-480 depending on what day i test from when i do my weekly water change
Ph 8.2, Ammonia 0,Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, Phosphate 0<.25, KH 10, salinity 1.026 I use API Test kits that are almost a year old