Hi cook, welcome to the board. From what I have learned, ways to lower nitrates(which is contributing to your algae) is a deep sand bed, adding a refugium with macro algae(will out compete the unwanted algae for food), water changes on a regular schedule, and not over feeding. Do you run a skimmer and what is your nitrate reading? I would not recommend using a UV on a reef. Corals filter feed from the water column, and you would be killing the food. Also, I would just mix the salt mix with RO water and not worry about the aragamight. I do not have a DSB and was fighting a nitrate problem, but then after I added a refugium with grape and razor caulerpa, I was able to get the nitrate <5. It took a while to lower, but it did come down. People on this board highly recommend a deep sand bed with a fine grain. Finishes the nitrgen cycle.