hair algae?


I have a 1.75 nano setup for a few months, water and sand from exisiting tank. 15w. I have the beginnings of coraline growing on the glass but I have hair algae growing on the rocks and sand. Whats up with that?


Amm 0
No2 0
No3 20
pH 7.8ish
Temp 78
Hair algae is growing out of the hob filter too.
Id like to get a cleanup guy, but not one who'll eat the coraline. Oh and I know the nitrate is a little high. Thanks.

the claw

Active Member
Hey Moopiespoo, I just thought I'd jump on your thread and let you know I went shopping again in Portland.
I'm having a hair algae problem as well in my refugium. I'm sure its for a lack light but I'm not sure what to do with it.


Still haven't made it down to Tri-cities yet:rolleyes: Hopefully soon. I assume you got your SPS in Portland? Good luck with them.:D What would you put in to control the hair algae in your tank?

the claw

Active Member
Yeah, standing there in front of that giant display tank , and wanting one of each. It's going to be my downfall. My luck they will all die. I'm not sure what to recommend. My normal crew of snails, hermits and mithrax don't seem to touch it. The only things that eat it with a vengeance are my tangs and Christmas Flame Angel. Sort of out of the question here I think. I would recommend a search here, but I don't seem to be able to do that right, because everytime I search for something I get reems of stuff I don't need. All the wise acres say figure out the source of whats causing it. Thats easier than the cure. Well, mine is a lack of lighting in my refugium. I'm sure of it, but probably not your problem. Can't imagine the size of your tank though. Good luck, I'll be eyeballing your thread hoping some expert will chime in with good advice.
Keep your eye out for some frag photos. I'll get them on here this weekend probably.


I was thinking it was a lack of oxygen, I have the top off and the water movement from the filter is so-so. What do you suggest I use to get more O2 in the water. Keep in mind its a nano. Thanks.


When I used a HOB filter and I needed to get O2 into my tank I would put an airstone in it. I usually put it under the bio media so there wouldn't be bubbles going back into the tank.