Yeah, standing there in front of that giant display tank , and wanting one of each. It's going to be my downfall. My luck they will all die. I'm not sure what to recommend. My normal crew of snails, hermits and mithrax don't seem to touch it. The only things that eat it with a vengeance are my tangs and Christmas Flame Angel. Sort of out of the question here I think. I would recommend a search here, but I don't seem to be able to do that right, because everytime I search for something I get reems of stuff I don't need. All the wise acres say figure out the source of whats causing it. Thats easier than the cure. Well, mine is a lack of lighting in my refugium. I'm sure of it, but probably not your problem. Can't imagine the size of your tank though. Good luck, I'll be eyeballing your thread hoping some expert will chime in with good advice.
Keep your eye out for some frag photos. I'll get them on here this weekend probably.