Hair alge eater


Im having a bad attack of hair alge in my tank right now.
Im thinking about getting a lawnmower blenney, because I was told that they eat hair alge. Should I go with a lawnmower blenney, or is their a better fish/invert that will eat the alge?


Active Member
I was having a problem with it too. Couldn't add another fish, so first got an emerald crab, didn't eat it, then added some more turbos, nope, and now I have a sally lightfoot that IS eating it. I think it's one of those things where if you buy turbos they may or may not, emeralds may or may not etc. I like having what I bought in my tank anyway so I'm glad I bought them. Between my harvesting and the sally lightfoot, the phosguard and a rather large water change mine is almost gone. Good luck


Hey Marco
There are lots of things that will eat hair algae sometimes, and thats the key. There really is nothing that is a guarantee hair algae eater. The lawnmower blenny eats some, snails and hermits might, some tangs, lettuce nudibranch, foxface.. The most important thing I think is to find out why there is an outbreak.
1. What are your tank params? especially nitrate and phosphate
2. Are you using ro/di for topoff and water change?
3. good lights? photoperiod too long?
4. overfeeding?
5. what is in your cleanup crew?
6. too many fish in your tank?
7. protein skimmer working well?
I would suggest cleaning the algae by hand, doing some 20-25% water change weekly , cut back on lights and food.....hopefully this will lower the quantity of nutrient that the algae is using to thrive.
Also a refugium with caulerpa and other good algae to compete for the nutrients is a possibility..


I only have 1 fish in the tank, and I hardly ever over feed because I had feed him and he almost never drops the food.
I have 4 watts per gallon, and an anemone and some mushrooms, so I dont think I should turn down the lighting. My ammonia is zero, and my ph is 8.2, but I dont know about my phosphates. could that be causing the out brake


It says a protien skimmer would help, but I havent been able to find one small enough for a 10 gallen tank.
Does anyone no of one?