hair alge


Mexican reef crabs have worked the best in my two tanks, I have also heard some people have good luck with Lawnmower Blennies


That's what I have in my 40 gal. is a lm blenny. He eats all the time. H'es starting to get a little fat maybe I should get another one.


What is your tank like? Filtration? Parameters? Lighting? Fish? Parameters? Etc? Generally hair algea lives off of poor water quality and lights that are too old. You can definatley get some things that will eat some of it, but it is also a sign that something else may be a little off.

the reef

hair algea will be growing rapidly with high levels of phosphate nitrate and silicate so try to get all of these down to as close to zero as you can. then you can get some crabs and a blenny but the hardest worker for hair algea would have to be the sea hare
the two best hair algea eaters in my tank are the sea hare and my sea urchin