Hair alge!!!


I have a big hair alge problem
I have used STOP alge, gotten giant turbo snails, hermits, and a sea hair....nothing is helping
I am moving the tank next friday, so i figured i would scrub the rocks when i set the tank up again, but how can i do that without damaging them too much?
also i have only had my light for maybe 8 months, so the bulb is that old as well, is that too old? could the old light be the cause of hte alge problem?
All nitrates, nitrites and phospates are at zero, and i have a phosphate sponge.
Anything would be helpful, it has already killed my star polyp and it is begining to take my buttons and yellows....The blennie loves it tho, he can hide so well! :happyfish


You're going to have to scrub your rock with a small, dense brush, you'll lose good stuff on them, but it will come back, you need to destroy the hair algae. Try a lawnmower blenny and royal urchins. I swear they are what got rid of it for me. I actually saw the blenny gulping it down, tangs won't touch it. The royal urchins will mow it down also, they only bad side to them is they do in the coralline, but if your hair algae is that bad, who cares....
Oh, and, lots of water changes. I ended up do 50% water changes every 3 weeks for a couple of months.


Get a lettuce nudibranch....... they are phenomenal... Cleaned all 50#+ in my tank
well worth the 5 bucks


How big do these things get? I have a 10gal tank
I do a water change once a week, of about 1-2 gallons
I have got a bi-color blennie, but he doesnt touch it, and I had a orange eye urchin but he didnt help either...i am willing to trade him if a lawnmower would be a better choice...there are two ocellaris clowns in there as well.
I have read lawnmowers will die once they eat all the alge, I dont want that to happen.
The hair alge has destoyed all my cheato alge and three years worth of beautiful coraline alge growth

this all stareted when i bored my tank at my brothers house over christmas break (the tank stays in my dorm durring the year and moves four times a year)
Thanks for the ideas...I am definatly going to scrub the rocks some when i move, but i would like a creature to keep it under control if it ever comes back :happyfish